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Did you know that 5 minutes a day could completely impact your business success?

Running a business can be incredibly demanding, and as business owners with teams, it's easy to become consumed by the day-to-day operations without realising how quickly the years pass by. The demands on your time continually increase: managing your team, dealing with clients, handling family responsibilities, and maintaining friendships. Balancing all these aspects can be a constant struggle.


When was the last time you took a moment to reflect on your own development as a leader? When was the last time you invested in yourself?

Prioritising your personal and professional growth can be challenging, and it often feels uncomfortable or even selfish when you attempt to put your development first. My journey towards leadership development began with just 5 minutes a day. I dedicated a mere five minutes daily to my growth, sometimes as simple as a brief moment of quiet reflection.

You might think five minutes is too easy, but it was pretty challenging in the beginning. Why? Because I had to make a conscious decision to prioritise my own needs. I had to carve out this time in my busy schedule—these 5 minutes had to be my no-one priority. Nobody was going to hand me this time on a silver platter. This is where the guilt can creep in – you are taking time for personal development!

Prioritizing our own growth can trigger internal resistance. The real question is: will you succumb to this resistance and let it hold you back, or will you learn to coexist with these challenges while propelling yourself forward as a more effective leader?

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Now is the time to Confront your fears and MOVE FORWARD with confidence

However, you find yourself in a situation where you feel stuck and responsible for the well-being of others within your business. Your days are consumed by attending to everyone else's needs, and as a result, you're beginning to experience resentment and a lack of appreciation.

I understand you possess a kind and nurturing nature and grappling with these emotions can be challenging. Deep down, you recognise the need for a shift but you don't know how to ask for help.

If someone you deeply cared about approached you with these same sentiments, you would undoubtedly offer valuable advice. You possess wisdom, yet you hesitate to trust your inner voice. You are well aware that change is imperative, so you have read the books, bought the courses, even mediated but so far, you may feel as though nothing is working This has left you wondering, will things every change?

I am here to you tell you YES,



It starts with addressing the mindset that has landed you here. 

Deep down, you already know you deserve better. 


You deserve to hold onto your dreams and aspirations. You know there is more in you. 

I know you feel this.


But every time you decide to change, you get even more resistance. You feel stuck. What is the point of changing if the change will never happen?

You are starting to question the success of other businesses

Why does it work for them?

  • How are they always getting new clients and great opportunities?

  • How do they have hobbies and a run business?

  • Are they really doing all that ?

  • Are they better than me?


The difference for those business owners you are looking at is not that they don't feel resistance or fear; they have mastered the art of not allowing these challenges to hinder their progress 




It is time to give yourself permission to put your business objectives first and start living out some of your dreams and aspirations. It is time to feel the fear and do it anyway.   

How Neglecting Your OWN Business Needs
Could Be Holding Your Back

You might feel that you can't prioritise your own business needs. You believe that the needs of your clients, employees, or business partners must always take precedence over your own requirements. So, you find yourself saying yes to too many commitments without considering the toll it may take on your business.


People often commend your patience, non-judgmental approach, and ability to make time for everyone in your professional network. These are all valuable traits; however, they could lead to you maintaining unprofitable business relationships for extended periods due to a lack of proper boundaries.

You put  your heart and soul into every ounce of your business. Your clients, colleagues, and associates know that if they seek your assistance, you will deliver results, you will get the job done and it will be done right.

You are already overwhelmed with business obligations but struggle to say no to new requests. Why? To maintain a positive image? As a way to avoid conflict? So you agree and then find yourself growing resentful or feeling taken advantage of.

These blocks are all normal and affect every type of business owner


Change is possible. I can help you to transforming these obstacles by changing some of your business habits and beliefs.

Here are some of the most common resistances business owners face when they embark on changing habits of a lifetime.

Do any of these ring a bell?

  • I can’t change at this stage.

  • I've always been the one to put the business first; it's my responsibility to take care of it.

  • Business owners like me aren't meant to have ambitious goals.

  • Running your own business is intended to be messy and hard 

  • What if I change and my partner/team/ don’t like my approach and leave.

  • When I think about it, it’s not that bad. Its just business.

Many of these beliefs may have originated in your early experiences or through challenging situations in your business journey. They are narratives you now tell yourself about what you believe you deserve.

Behind every limiting business belief, there's an underlying story to uncover and a pattern to break, empowering you to gain more control and confidence in your business life.

All of these resistances are part and parcel of business life. The good news is that you can acknowledge them without allowing them to derail your progress. You may require additional support to transform your business habits and beliefs successfully.

Hi, I'm Caroline Fry!

I understand what it's like to encounter overwhelming resistance when attempting to change lifelong habits in your business journey. I've been there, too; I was trapped in a similar situation. I became so engrossed in looking after everyone else's need  that I lost sight of my own business objectives. I was tirelessly attempting to solve everyone else's problems without realising how exhausting this was and losing touch with why I became a business owner in the first place. . It was a bittersweet experience; I loved helping and supporting others, yet beneath the surface, resentment was building. Who was there to support me? Who was looking out for my business?

I'm here to assure you that YOU can transform these thoughts. It all began with dedicating just FIVE minutes a day to my own business growth. I carved out a brief period every day for personal business development. Gradually, I started placing greater emphasis on my own business needs, and the positive impact on me, my business, my relationships, and my career was astounding.

This process was hard a first. I struggled with feelings of selfishness when prioritising my own business. It felt as though I needed some form of permission to do so.

I can guide you through the challenges you are facing in your business and help you break free from those limiting beliefs that might be holding you back.

If you find that your business dreams and aspirations are slipping away, or if you yearn for a more fulfilling and successful business life, take a moment to breathe and seek the support that can bring you one step closer to a business life that truly satisfies you.

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This Could Be Your Business....

Imagine if you learned the skill to pause and refrain from agreeing to every business request that comes your way. What if you took a moment to consider the potential impact of saying yes on your business? How empowering would that be?


Imagine if you started prioritising your business's needs in the same way you prioritise your clients and partners.

Imagine if you gave yourself permission to be a successful business leader and stopped overextending yourself for others.


Whether we acknowledge it or not, opportunities are passing us by in the business world.  We can opt to cater solely to the needs of others, or we can choose to prioritise our own business objectives.

Interestingly, when you begin to place your business's needs at the forefront and invest in its growth, you find yourself apologising less, and your business confidence flourishes. Moreover, you develop a greater capacity for supporting and enriching the businesses of those around you.

I had and still continue to experience some of these emotions in my business journey, but now I've acquired the skills to navigate through them.

If you are willing to work on shifting your business mindset, all of these transformations are possible and well within your reach.


So What Happens When You Start Prioritising Your Business Needs First?

  • Your business confidence skyrockets as you shed old behaviours and beliefs that no longer serve your professional growth.

  • You gain a fresh perspective and a newfound willingness to pursue new business ventures.

  • With increased energy and focus, you develop a greater capacity for supporting other businesses and professionals in your network.

  • Your business self-esteem flourishes, resulting in fewer apologies and a more purposeful approach to your professional life.

  • You become an inspiration to others in your industry, motivating them to prioritise their own business needs.

There is a gap between where you are now and where you want to be. My job is to help you close the gap. 

The good news is that your inner business voice is ready for empowerment. With the proper guidance, a commitment to working on your business mindset, and expert coaching, I can help you navigate this journey.

Don't let business opportunities pass you by. Reach out for the support you need.

  • Launch that business venture you've always dreamed of.

  • Fulfil those ambitious business goals you've long aspired to achieve.

  • Grant yourself permission to be a successful business leader and stop overextending yourself for others.

  • Be happy, and love yourself first.

  • Prioritize your own business growth and eliminate obstacles that hinder your progress. Take the leap, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.


If you're ready to take the plunge... I'm prepared to guide you through it.

You can look after your business needs while still offering valuable support. What you need is the right guidance to reprogram your business mindset.

Let's get someone in your corner supporting you

The first step is to book a free introductory call with me.

Introducing Empowering Your Business 

Empowering Your Business - Leadership Development Programme, designed specifically for key leaders in businesses who are ready to step up and take ownership of their roles.

A six month programme working one-one-one, focused on empowering leaders to drive the operations of their business and achieve their goals with confidence and clarity. I understand the unique challenges that come with leadership positions, and my programme is tailored to help participants overcome these challenges and reach their full potential as effective leaders.

I provide personalised guidance guidance and support helping leaders develop the skills and mindset needed to succeed in today's fast-paced business world.

Here is what you get in the Empowering Your Business Package

One-on-one  online calls. Step by step, we’ll work through whatever blocks might be in your way and find a way for you to work through them. 

Create and set goals that are workable and achievable.

Using the Susan Hyatt BARE Method, we will look at areas of your business, including your environment, your team, you as a leader, time management,  and working with on-going challenges and decision making

Tips and guidance for setting you up for success.

Discover where some of your thoughts and beliefs came from. Learn new techniques to help re-program your brain, giving you more energizing thoughts.

Give you the support you need, so you are ready to take action.

Here is what our first call would look like

We will begin with an honest assessment of where you are in your role right now. This can be both confronting and inspiring. By exploring some of your thought patterns and your existing habits, you will begin to identify the blocks you need to work on. We can then start to look at your goals and the gap we need to close to achieve them.

During our time together you will learn:

  • Outcome Focus and Team Operations

  • Self-Leadership and Your Leadership Impact

  • Developing Secure Business Relationships

  • Effective Delegation and Beyond

  • Team Meeting Design and Leadership

  • Working with Ongoing Challenge and Change Decision-Making,

  • Priorities, Managing your time,

  • Performance Management- Developing Yourself and Others

Tools and Resources

It is all about you and your growth. You will decide on the most important goals, and I will provide you with the structure, tools, and support that give you a fresh way of thinking and keep you on track to turn your goals into reality. You will have access to resources through my self-coaching vault all designed to get you thinking differently. These tools can be used at your pace. We can do them together on our calls, or you can do them in your own time.


Not Even Sure what an Executive Coach Is

As your Executive Coach, I want to ensure you can achieve your goals and build a lifestyle that works for you.

Head over to my Executive Coaching FAQ page, where I have answered many of my client's coaching questions. 

Your Investment

Work with me 1-on-1 in two ways:

At your own pace. It’s up to you how much support you want. We can do a quick 3 calls session over 6 weeks to see if this is right path forward for you or you can dive in for 6 months and meet fortnightly to keep you moving forward.


3 Call

Coaching Package


  • 3 x 50 min 1:1 Online Coaching Calls over 6 weeks

Book Your Call to Find out More about this package


6 Month

Coaching Package



Monthly Payment Plans Available

  • 2 x 50 min 1:1 Online Coaching Calls per month



Book Your Call to Find out More about this package

To Move Forward - Here are your Next Steps


Step 1: Book Your Free Introductory Call

Book Your Free Introducty Call


Step 2: We we have an Introductory Call

This won’t be a “sales call” – just a low-key chat to see if we’d work well together.


I want to make sure I can serve you. During this call I’ll walk you through how I work and answer any questions you might have.


Please note:


There’s no pressure to sign up on the call. I want you to take your time to consider your next decision.


Step 3: We define your new path together

If you are happy with everything, we can move forward together.


Depending on how quickly you want to proceed, you can either go with the six-month or twelve-month package.


I’m looking forward to helping you overcome obstacles and make your dreams a reality.

Book Your
Free IntroductoryCall Today!

Looking for Some Inspiration!

If you want additional step guides, tools, or practical advice, sign up to my free Self-Coaching Vault, where you will get instant access to various downloads.

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